Friday, December 11, 2009

An Open Letter to Marty Goldstein

Dear Marty,

Seeing as you banned me from posting on the Moondog Manson forum, I'm forced to address you right here on my blog. You are a bloody disgrace and a coward for the way you have conducted yourself in the matter of the Kerry Brown Tribute & BENEFIT Show.

Never before have I seen such a spineless and ridiculously unaccountable Screw up, as I've seen in the form of you. You ban me from the Moondog Manson forum, and then attempt to continue a debate so that I can't respond and you can have the last word. In reality what you do is attempt to dodge the blame, shift accountability, and avoid the criticisms that you deserve. This could get lengthy as I call attention to your actions. What will your response be? The standard "Mike pay your bill to The Marlborough Hotel." That matter is completely separate to the Kerry Brown Tribute & Benefit show.

You have now stated that I couldn't possibly know what the Net total of the fundraising "Community effort" (as you refer to it) was. On Saturday night November 28th I participated in a very long discussion with Tony Condello. It was witnessed by nearly the entire CWE crew, who believed Tony and I were fighting. Kenny Rogers, Kelly Russell and Kelly's buddy Todd were all sitting at the table, and "the fight" many of the boys witnessed was me taking Condello to task on this event. In the discussion I urged Tony to release a number to the public that was raised and paid to the Brown family. Tony told me that they don't have a final number as of yet, that you, Marty Goldstein were waiting on some ticket revenue from 3 or 4 wrestlers (EZ Ryder's name was mentioned, which I for some reason doubt, I consider EZ to be an extremely honest guy who wouldn't delay squaring up with a fundraising effort). He said at that point, there would still be an invoice to be paid, and then he hoped they could complete the effort with a cheque to Kerry's mother. I pushed to hear a number, and he said he didn't believe he needed to share a number as a private matter. I told him that any effort to not disclose a number to wrestlers who volunteered their services, sponsors who donated products, services or money, fans who bought tickets to support, and concerned individuals in the wrestling community would be downright Scummy. A description you sport rather well Mr. Goldstein.

At that time, under extreme pressure from my line of questioning, and in the presences of the three aforementioned witnesses, and with gentle coaxing from those witnesses, Tony said "If I had to give you my best guess from the numbers I know, I'd say we drew about $1000-$1500 NET". I asked him to clarify that NET suggested that there was bills to be paid from that number, and he said, "Ya sure, there was rent and some invoices to be paid." So we know that Kerry's mother should receive a cheque that will likely not exceed $1500.

Marty, you're effort to dodge and deflect the issue here reflects poorly on only yourself. Condello was more than willing to sit there and be grilled by me. Yet all you will say is "Please call Tony, he handled that." Marty you self serving son of a bitch, you wanted all the glory in all of your boastful press releases, when you talked about all the sponsors that were coming to the table to support this cause. Why wouldn't you do the opposite, and rather than falsely report how well the effort was going, encourage those like myself to step up, by saying something to the effect "We're really working hard, but we've got a long way to go, and need more participation from the wrestling community." No Marty you would have gladly mis-represented this as an unmitigated success if it had not been for people like Ernie Todd, Wayne Stanton, Shane Madison, and myself who are now loudly and clearly saying, wait a minute, we want answers. Your only answer? To cowardly shift all the heat to Tony Condello. If there had been glory, you'd gladly be proclaiming on Slam Wrestling, on your rinky dink College Radio Program, and on Moondog Manson's forum how something was accomplished that had never been done before. I call bullshit. And you are the biggest disher of bullshit I've ever had the misfortune of meeting.

Marty, the most appalling fact of this matter is how in self serving and in patronizing fashion, you chose to cut the legs off of an organized effort by Danny Warren, promoter of CWE. Danny wrestled Kerry in Kerry's last match, and looked up to Kerry as a legend and mentor. Citing politics like a scummy son of a bitch stooge, Marty you said that Danny's free venue (reported to be Maples Community Centre) would not be adequate because it could only hold 300 fans (Marty you fuckhead failure, you didn't draw 300 fans at the Marlborough). In that group e-mail, you thanked Danny for the thought, but suggested the $3000 (simple math of 300 capacity times $10 tickets) would not be nearly adequate to offset the cost of the funeral, which you speculated could cost $10,000 (you did say you were uncertain of the costs of funerals because of your difference of religion and different procedures in different faiths). What Marty didn't realize was Danny had already secured some corporate support in the form of donations/sponsorships that would have guaranteed a number generated was much larger than $3000. But you didn't know, and you didn't ask. You got the title "Event Producer" by kissing Condello's ass and by playing politics, and ensured the success of that event would be nothing short of an uphill battle. Why Marty was it an uphill battle? Because the minute you and your scummy reputation attached yourself to the event, many industry leaders took a step back and a "wait and see" approach. That's the type of leadership and credibility you brought to this effort. Sorry sometimes the truth hurts.

Here's what is most troubling to me.. Yesterday marks the one month anniversary since the event. And we know there was some money generated, as I've reported $1500 net. Irregardless of the actual number, why hasn't a cheque been given to Kerry's family? Not a single cent has been donated to the actual cause? Marty, don't tell me to ask Tony, because throughout this process, prior to the show you badly wanted to be the typical glory hound you have always been known to be, and present yourself as the spearhead of this initiative. I'm asking you Marty, where is the money?

You owe this "Community Effort" transparency. You owe a released statement of what was generated, and at this point you need to release a Financial Statement, so people who contributed financially (IE Bobby Jay, TJ Bratt and Ernie Todd) can audit these numbers and rest assured there was no funny business and false representations. You owe it to the Manitoba Wrestling community to apologize, this is now two "Benefit shows" you've bungled, for arguably the two most respected veterans in Winnipeg Wrestling (the other being Chi Chi Cruz 1994). You and Condello owe Kerry's family a cheque, and more than that, you owe them an apology. And you owe us all some accountability and honesty.

When you can do that, you'll have the right to ask me about the "unpaid bill at The Malborough Hotel", I'll be happy to tell you the story at length when you prove yourself worthy to ask the question.

Marty if you want to debate with me, don't do it on a forum that you have banned me from. Don't do it in online comments that are dodgy, cowardly and mostly scummy. Join me on the Wayne and Shane radio show this Tuesday and debate me, but come equipped with answers. Stop being a coward, and dishonest and start being transparent and accountable.


Anonymous said...

In one word to describe Marty Goldstein in this blog:


Anonymous said...

Lets see if Marty has the balls to come on the Wayne & Shane radio show. I love it how Marty says that the "next call to Tony will be the first". Dickhead MIKE DIDN'T NEED TO CALL HIM, HE SPOKE TO HIM IN PERSON

Anonymous said...

A few years back Marty "Mr Safety Study" was doing shows at the Village Inn on Canada Day. Doing all the booking and running around like a little big shot, but when it got exposed that wrestlers were performing drunk then as usual all Marty would say was "talk to Cheech it's his show". typical response from the little slime ball, why anyone in this city even gives him the time of day I will never know.

Anonymous said...

tony's intentions were nothing but honourable here. marty blaming tony is cowardly at best. marty left tony holding the bag while he got free publicity for his self serving radio show. marty needs to be held accountable this is true but not only for this fiasco but also for the wrestling study fiasco which was intended to put certain promoters out of business so his friends could dominate the marketplace.

Anonymous said...

How long before Marty Goldstein (aka Boroditsky, Gold, Fleck etc) changes his name yet again to avoid all the unnecessary heat he caused?

How about Marty Stooge? Got a good and accurate ring to it.

Anonymous said...

If Marty does not take up your challenge then you should call his show on Wednesday and expose him to his audience for the scumbag douche he really is and if he does not take your call then file a protest with CRTC the station manager and anyone else you can. Come on Marty we know you read this so what is your answer douchebag.

Anonymous said...

Little bit off topic here, but just wanted to let Mike know that we'll be talking some WFX on the Mid Canada Wrestling Radio show tonight. Please tune in if you can, we value feedback a lot. We won't be mentioning the Marty Gold issue as we stay out of backstage news, but WFX will be on the agenda for sure. Best Regards - Tyson

Anonymous said...

My question is, how come all of a sudden a guy who openly admitted that he would not attend the show because it was a big bar night, is now the most vocal guy asking about what was raised?

Secondly, All of a sudden Danny decided to pull out of the show because Marty was running it, and you told him it was in his best intrest? I thought he was on a business trip and was not able to attend? So what's the truth there?

What about your accountability? The entire wrestling community knows your a snake who squanders money on projects that never work, your right taking a risk is part of doing business, but at the same time blowing tens of thousands of dollars of someone else's money is damn near criminal. Where is your accountability?

I don't think Marty Owes you anything. Ernie and Wayne if concerned, could call Tony themselves, and confirm the final numbers themselves. I wouldn't take your word for it. Your the biggest Hypocrite in the world.

Your shit stinks my friend, just like evryone else's.


lol said...

Mike I have cut and pasted Marty's response to my concerns from Moondog. I have to post it in two seperate comments I guess.

" it seems you do not want any accountability to the public and the sponsors, as to how you only managed to raise $1500.00 net, with all those sponsors, as reported on the Wayne and Shane show by Mike Davidson. "

I did not "manage to raise" anything, it was a community effort. "Reported" is a laughable term given the source.

"He said he spoke to Tony so I am asking you for accountability on this matter, that it all and please dont deflect and blame or change the subject. "

Well Tony told me he said to Mike "$15,000" not 15 hundred, and that Mike needs a hearing aid.

Tony: "I said $15,000 believe it or not, you should been there to count the people", that's what I said. The bullshit keeps going on and on."

Tony has no idea how $1500 "net" came to be mentioned. In that regard you should call Tony yourself to confirm what he says he told Mike, as I was not there.

" clarification on your part would be appreciated. This has nothing to do with Tony as he just collected the money you supposedly raised. "

No problem Ernie. I'm actually glad that you have asked coherent questions in a reasonable manner.

I gave anything and everything I collected to Tony. And he raised money on his own and dealt with the hotel (expense side of things) as well.

Only he know the overall numbers. So sorry to disappoint you but it DOES, in fact, have something to do with Tony.

I have no idea how much he raised with his ticket sales or the overall total etc as HE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FINANCES and always was. Not me. He dealt with the hotel and the money raised. Not me. He dealt with the family. Not me. Is that clarification enough?

" the motive for you wanting to produce the event?"

Motive? What an odd term.

The problem was this. If you dig back min your emails, you will see where Danny, with the best of intentions, tried to proceed with organizing an event on short notice. Andrew and others protested that you were out of the country and could not be excluded from the event.

In addition- in that mass email, Danny stated the gate would be by voluntary donation. "This will be a free show with admission simply being a donation at the fans discretion". I can send it to you if you can't find it.

That single sentence is at the root of the issues about how the event was organized thereafter, but seems to have been forgotten by the critics.
Tony never agreed to that type of format of a free show. Period. Danny pulled that idea out of the blue.

And, according to what Tony said to me, all he asked Danny to do was canvass the boys and feel out if they would work on a benefit show, NOT to organize and book the actual event. Once again you can call and ask Tony if you want. I did not undermine Danny, in effect he ran with the ball before Tony handed it to him-- and as I understood it, under no circumstances was Tony going to authorize a "free" show.

Tony called me, I did not call him or "lobby" him for anything. It was at that point Tony asked me to prepare a business plan which I executed according to his approval at all times. The booking was done with him and Cheech making the final decisions.

lol said...

Part 2

My "motive" was to do the best job possible to pay tribute to Kerry and support the family. Period.

"this is all just hearsay and does not sit well with me or others I have spoken too"

Funny, because not a-one emailed or called me directly about any so-called concerns. Not one member of the media, the public or a single sponsor either.

Only one person, barred from crossing the threshold of the venue because of non-payment of a previous hall rental, has obsessed over the operation of the event at the Marlborough.

In any event, it is unfortunate that allegedly adult human beings (this is not directed at you, Ernie) spread inventions and rumours and half-truths, and tried to make political hay with it and never spoke with me directly, or when they did, misrepresented what Tony said ie "$1500", but never once contacted me directly.

Then again, the truth would not serve their purpose would it.

The fact is, the family is happy, the hotel is happy, and to be clear, Tony maintained overall responsibility and accountability for the fundraiser at all times and I answered to him as I was helping him out. Not the other way around.

Mike Davidson said...

If I need a hearing aide, which I don't and Tony said they raised $15,000, they now have 10 times the problem on their hands as to why no donation has been made to The Brown Family.

He can continue to double talk and throw this on Condello's lap.

The only people being less than honest here are from the organizers of a "community effort" who refuse to offer any transparency in their efforts.

It's beyond ridiculous at this point.

Anonymous said...

Im sure there is some CRTC implication here as Marty did tie this whole thing to that 60 min ego show he does for free every day.

My My Marty the CRTC getting put on your ass....How Ironic

Anonymous said...

So now it's 15,000 for a show that about 100 people were at with at least half of those freebies. Funny how Marty changes the stoy to suit himself.

Maxwell ! said...

I can't believe this ridiculousness. For fuck sake could somebody official come out with a real number? It's been over for a damn month! Someone needs to step up and end this once and for all. If it's a failure then it's done and maybe we should all move on. If it was a success then give the brown family the money.

It's absolutely unbelievable how a benefit show could turn into such a counteractive affair. I didn't know Kerry Brown but I get the feeling he'd be shaking his head at all this.

Someone step up, take their balls out of their purse and either own this as a failure or own this as a success.

Anonymous said...

Marty is too afraid to debate Mike in any format on this subject. Marty is gutless coward.

Marty Goldstein said...

I am sorry to all involved. The truth is I didn't steal any money, Condello did.

Anonymous said...

Why is Mike Davidson so bad for being sued by The Marlborough Hotel when Tony (Antonio) Condello filed for bankruptcy on November
2nd 2009.

I guess we've now answered where the funds that were supposed to go to Kerry Brown's family ended up. Condello needed it worse.

Mike Davidson said...

You mean to tell me that Marty Gold wants me to reflect badly because of supposedly not paying bills that were not my personal bills, but bills of an incorporated company that I was contracted to provide services for.

Meanwhile, his business partner in this "community effort" is filing bankruptcy to ensure he will not have to pay his bills.

Them guys there in glass houses need to put their stones away and start throwing out some apologies.

Just scummy. It just keeps getting worse.

Anonymous said...

I sure wish I made $1500 a year at Dylan's

A. Shallcross

Anonymous said...

Maybe this was another of those Marty Gold conspiracy scams? No wonder he wanted control.

Andrew Shallcross said...

That's not me who posted the last comment you piece of shit. Davidson, the problem with you is you can take any effort that someone else does and you completely shit on it. Case in point.

Marty and Tony worked wonders to generate $1500 Net. I'd venture to guess that you've never ever done that before.

I personally know my company Premier Championship Wrestling never has. And my radio show won't be as successful as Marty's either. So what I'm trying to say is I can admit Marty Goldstein is more of a man and accomplished more than You or I ever will.

What happened with the $1500 raised was this. Condello took his cut, for all the work he did. Marty got his cut for the work he did. And I got a little for lending the PCW talent to the cause. So if you got any problems with that, come and talk to me, and I will personally slap you across the face.

Now go and off yourself, you piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

Gotta wonder where Marty's money comes from the guy has not held a real job in over 15 years, has not filed a tax return for almost 20 and works for free on his little tadio show because no kegit station would ever hire him. Thx Mike for creating a forum where Marty does not have the last word.

Anonymous said...

So Andrew,

Let me get this straight, all three of you who had nothing better to do raked money off the top of a charity show put together to raise funds fo a funeral? Gee if Kerry meant as much as you all claim they shouldint you have done it for free?

Im pretty sure your comment raises some legal issues about this whole scam.

Unknown said...

I was just curious during intercourse who sucks and swallows you or Wallace?


Anonymous said...

I don't know if this is supposed to be your way of getting involved in the fund raising efforts, because you failed to donate any of you time or effort to the show. Regardless of your motivations it comes across as very shallow. I am embarrassed for you.

Anonymous said...

marty has lots of skeletons in his closet. revenue canada knows where to find him or will he leave the province like he ran out of bc with his tail between his legs to come back here to carry on his shitdisturbing.

Anonymous said...

did you call Condello about the bankruptcy filing

Mike Davidson said...

Nice try on the suggestion I've been shallow on this one. This is exactly what Marty Goldstein bases his entire radio career (a term I use loosely) on, holding people accountable when they seem to want to dodge certain issues.
First, I did not participate in the show, or make a financial donation. And to this day now 1 month and two days after, I'm relieved I did not, because the organizers of the "community effort" (aka Condello and Goldstein) have not done one productive thing with the money raised. I chose as did many others to take a step back, and wait and see approach. And to be quite honest none of us are surprised in the least.
The night before the event at The Marlborough Hotel, I was sitting with a local Documentary Producer, and he was shocked to learn Condello and Goldstein were tandem in running this event. His question was "Which one of those guys can you really trust?"
Yesterday Tony Condello made the claim that Ultimate Cage Wars personally gave Kerry Brown's Mother $10,000. Good on Tony if that's true. Shame on Tony if it's not true. Either way, that's still separate from the event at The Marlborough.
I think it's dishonest, to suggest I misheard Tony's number and he actually said $15,000 was raised. If $15,000 was raised, then you two organizers have a gigantic mess on your hands. One thing you can be relieved in hind sight, if I had financially contributed or even donated my time, I'd be a hell of a lot louder in calling for an audit of this event. And why if this has all be legit and above board are we getting so much double talk, blame shifting and posturing? Someone has fucked up here.

Scotty said...

It has become quite clear why Andrew Shallcross endorsed Marty Gold from the get go. They were all in it for their own financial gain. How Andrew, Marty, and Tony could rip off a grieving family is disgusting and shows what kind of human beings they really are. I expect this behaviour from Marty and Tony but can't believe Andrew sunk to this low. I will not be supporting any of them until this mess is cleared up.

Bart Gunn said...

I assume Scotty is Scotty Styles. And I agree with what he says completely. I am tempted to start contacting sponsors of "The Great Canadian Talk Show" and bring to their attention that the host of the show was involved in a "Benefit Wrestling show" to raise funds for the family, and that the family received no funds. I can't support PCW if the promoter got paid when the talent volunteered their time. Was this payment made so Andrew would not cause political exclusivity head aches?
This mess is starting to smell like a giant pile of shit honestly. And it could be easily avoided if Goldstein and Condello had come to the forefront and just said how the event did and what it raised. Even if it raised only $300 the effort would be applauded even if the results weren't so good.
This is the worst thing I've ever seen in local wrestling. And I hope Condello and Goldstein, and I guess Andrew too learn a gigantic lesson from this.

Anonymous said...

Well all this should be brought up to the people at KICK FM and the CRTC that and the persistant rumor that Marty trolls the streets for teenage runaway girls should be enough to get rid of him. Karma can really be a bitch someties huh Marty.

Chris said...

I don't think there's any way that post credited to Andrew actually is Andrew...

Regardless, the money raised needs to be given to the Brown Family as soon as possible. It makes everyone look bad when something like this happens.

Anonymous said...

any give of money by ucw would have to be as a result of boradicksys failure to raise a fraction of the neccessary funds and contacting the sponsors and exposing boradicksy for the conman then maybe he will move back to cali n run roughhouse wrastlin in the junkyard for denton. did boradicksy claim all that money he made in the states as out of country income on his tax returns.

Mecca said...

I have spoken to Mike, Tony and Marty today in depth so I'd like to ask everyone to refrain from posting comments on here. I will have an update this Tuesday night at 7:30 on the radio show.

And Pandachuck, it's two years later and you are still a loser. Why don't you go hang some raw meat around your neck and play in a lions cage.

Anonymous said...

I hate to agree with you because I think you're a real asshole Davidson, but in this case you do have a point. At the PCW show Marty said he and Knight were going to be driving out to Kerry's mom to deliver a cheque, a DVD and other gifts today. If he has a cheque prepared for her, then he obviously knows how much money she is getting and can share that with everybody asking. Step up and give us all an answer, Marty.

Mike Davidson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Oh, well then! You hear that everybody? Madison is on top of things so everybody else shut up and keep your damn thoughts and opinions to yourself, the Mecca knows what's REALLY going on! He knows, okay, and he'll tell you...but not now. Wait 4 days for his stupid radio show and then he'll bless everybody with his magic words of knowledge. But until then, everybody else STFU. Prick.

Anonymous said...

Leave it to Shane Madison to use this as a way to plug his "radio show". You are just as low as Marty.

Anonymous said...

I think it's fair to assume Marty Goldstein will likely not associate himself in the future with Professional Wrestling. Nobody seems to want him to.

Mike Davidson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

madison has spoken now we all need to bow down and follow his commands or he wont get us booked in the wwe


TJ BRATT said...

Way to back track Madison,Wayne and Mike

Realizing everyone including fans think your gutless losers and kids in a bigmans body.

Who cares what the show made has it was a night to honor my Former Partner Kerry Brown.

Hey, Mike. All the decent older guys ribbed from Day 1 for a reason.Your a loser with nothing else to do with his life other than this.

I remember when you used to say a show before a Holiday was the best thing to do,I guess except when its not your Product???

Kerry would had kicked your ass if he was alive and saw you doing this to someone else , nevermind to him.

Wayne and Shane and Mike are 3 homos who backtrack quicker than Mike Kelly!!

All your Games are old and Fans and workers arent even thinking its a rib anymore, There thinking you should be having an evaluation session at SELKIRK MENTAL HOME.

Hey, Madison. Calling and saying sorry everytime you get called on your bullshit and lies and non backed up cockiness, saying Sorry doesnt fix it with Real Men.

Bottom Line is They made money,they got a cheque and there done with it.

Pick on the kid from Alberta who you PRANKCALLED for years and pick on him some more now.Real Professionals

You guys would not do that to anyone who might say lets Have a nice Physical Dance over this.

Mikes MOUTH, Waynes BI Polar and Shanes over mentioned BIG FISTS would all get what was coming to them if they showed up anywhere it could happen.

Can you believe this is all over a MANS DEATH who did more than all us Local workers did combined, He didnt talk about and just did it.

Could you imagine DAVIDSON, STANTON,MADISON walking into a lockerrom in Puerto Rico Dressing Room not knowing anyone??Not a chance they would,Fuck only one Booking with BCW with the Trainer who trained you Madison?? Bundy remembers you from that show as the skinny fuck who didnt belong.Guess you werent that good after he ripped you off for $ 2500.00

Had to get this off my chest as I think ,the 3 guys mentioned are hurting Winnipeg Wrestling more than anybody else combined. WFX, AWE, They are all non money makers so why do we really care.

Anyone can book wrestlers with other peoples money,

Leave the perimeter other than CYBERFIGHTS[ which is not for men bookings ] than you can talk but till than your no better than a jacked up SYDNEY MANSON OR SCOTTY RAVER

Thanks guys for reading,at least you can still do that .


Iconoclassic Books said...

Well, I am the manager of 92.9 KICK-FM. If anyone wants to step up (without being 'anonymous') and direct any legitimate concerns my way, please write me at


Rick Baverstock
Station Manager

Mike Davidson said...

TJ, I haven't back-tracked on anything.

Mike Davidson said...

And TJ its not like you're a veteran of Puerto Rican locker rooms.

Anonymous said...

A TJ Bratt classic promo. Dont know where you have time to write this between making pizzas and filling up the pipe.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rick from Kick You shouldint need someone to call and complain if you dont know enough about the radio business and CRTC regulations to know that Marty is a cancer to your station then you shouldnt be in the job.

About time you got past Marty being the ultimate Martyr who everone is out to get because they are jealous of his success,

What success ,the guy is 50 plus years old, has never acomplised anything in that time and always has to be looking over his shoulder to see if someone that he has screwed over in the past is coming to get him.

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing that tool Bratt wasn't involved with the benefit show. He would have stolen all those blank checks and given himself a donation.

Mike Davidson said...

A couple of things. Bratt did make a financial contribution to the Benefit show, I believe a donation of $150. So he's entitled to an opinion to counter my blog, no problem.
Of course with all his vast experience in Puerto Rico, he most certainly can tell Stanton, Madison and I how we would be run out of the locker room. And he and King Kong Bundy are such good friends, I'm sure Bratt knows exactly what it was like to be in the Wrestlemania 2 Cage. Sorry Bratt, you've opened yourself up a little.

As for the CRTC stuff and Rick's post. I think that some people are definitely using my opinions expressed in the blog, which only related to the Benefit show, and taking up old grudges with Marty. It's shitty that they do this anonymously. I don't listen to your station, but I'm flattered and tickled pink that you read this blog. I seriously doubt that you're inbox will get loaded with complaints however, people like the protection of anonymity.

I do agree with a post made at some point (I hope I didn't delete it) where it said if Marty and Knight made a drive out of town to deliver a cheque then they know what the figure is. And even if they don't want to disclose it, as I'm understanding they are waiting for Kerry's mom to release a letter, at least confirm that the donation has been made.

Note- I have deleted a handful of comments that were personal attacks in nature. They were not attacks on me, I post those as seen in the TJ Bratt comment, but they were attacks on someone who should remain nameless (draw your own conclusions).

Anonymous said...

Hey Bratt are you still flying to Windsor to take up matters with Scotty Libido? That's only about 55 more pizzas you've got to sell and then you should have no problems with the flight. Or one good blank cheque book in an unsuspecting person's mailbox.

lol said...

Just so you know Mike, I did write an e-mail to Rick the station manager and suggest to him that you come on Marty's show and debate him in the studio on Marty's turf to end this matter so he will have one e-mail in his inbox.

Jay Walker said...

TJ Bratt, did you actually graduate from highschool?

Unknown said...

The fact that you acknowledge me Wallace proves I have the upper hand!

Have the last word I will give you that satisfaction...

I don't what it is but the fact that you live in a drug induced schizophrenia might have somthing to do with it.

Btw next time I go to the strippers and I'm chucking some loonies I will think of you friend...

Iconoclassic Books said...

"Hey Rick from Kick You shouldint need someone to call and complain if you dont know enough about the radio business and CRTC regulations to know that Marty is a cancer to your station then you shouldnt be in the job."

This is so typical of the 'anonymous' poster mentality, and smells to me like sour grapes from one of the old FLAVA crew. This will be the LAST post I make regarding this matter.

If you think that I know nothing of CRTC rules or the radio business, what does that say about your gangstas at FLAVA who couldn't even hold on to a simple campus license?

There is no "CRTC rule" that precludes Marty Gold from being on radio, so you'd better re-read those regulations.

No matter how much you dislike the guy personally, as a broadcaster he has the complete support of our Board of Directors - my bosses - who are College officials and GMs from all the commercial stations in town.

If you have a legitimate concern regarding his performance on CKIC-FM, then send them to me. (As I expected, I received only one e-mail from someone with the stones to sign their real name.) I will share any and all comments and complaints with my board and we will review.

If you want to engage in childish name-calling that has nothing to do with the radio station, hiding behind your anonymous tag, then I will not participate.

Rick Baverstock
Station Manager

Mike Davidson said...

Well the Station Manager at Kick FM has confirmed all the rumours I've heard that Marty Goldstein is so coveted by every major Radio Station in town. I actually heard that he's jumping to HOT 103 to host the Drive slot, not to worry he'll still host The Great Canadian Talk Show on Kick at the same time. Hot is a little nervous, the last time Marty fit their demographic, Frank Sinatra, The Beetles and Elvis were still performing to sell out crowds. I have faith that Marty will manage to fit those three classics into his Hot rotation.

Anonymous said...

I sure that if your bosses knew about Marty and his past they might think twice about endorsing him. Marty has some serious skeletons in that closet so why don't you station bosses talk with Mike? I am sure he can enlighten them.

Mike Davidson said...

Not to be mistaken for backtracking here, but I don't know Marty well enough to suggest he has skeletons in his closet. I've dealt with Marty on a professional wrestling level only, and that is what this blog was about.
To be honest, I don't think that his actions in professional wrestling (ie bungling two benefit shows) should have any impact on his college radio career. I actually thought Marty was just a volunteer on the campus radio station.

Anyone who wants to attack Marty with unsubstantiated rumours can start their own blog and fire away. I have been deleting and not posting any comments that are suggestive in nature. If it's about wrestling, or about his well publicized battle with the CRTC I've made the judgement to accept it.

Anonymous said...

I couldint care less about Rap gansta stations the problem with signing a name to a complaint against Marty is that you Rick sound like you are so far up his ass that you will tell Marty who made the complaint and in turn Marty would then use his many identitys to cause shit against the person for raising a legitimate issue. And as far as Marty having the support of every GM in town, does that incluse all the stations that have fired his ass.

Anonymous said...

What a typical Mary response gee Rick it wasn't that I pulled a scam its those people from a radio station that has not existed for 3 years trying to get back at me.

Lets look at 2 examples of recent fundraising Today Ace Burpee a legitimate broadcaster from an actual radio station uses his own money to purchase a classic beverage have it shipped to Winnipeg and then donated 100% of the proceeds to Winnipeg Harvest and had no problem with immediately stating how much money was raised. While Marty a volunteer at a campus station did nothing but post on websites claiming that everyone from Provincial politicians who he would not name to local businesses who he would not say what they contributed then used the fundraiser as a way to get people to buy a book about wrestling in which none of the book sales went towards the event. Then out of the small amount that was raised Marty then had no trouble taking some of that money for himself to which he has not stated how much his cut was or to this day the final total of how much was raised just continues to pass the buck off to someone else.

You just keep backing up Marty Rick and sooner or later he will feel that he can get away with anything and that will cause serious damage to your radio station. Not to mention that when you do fire him and you will someday cause everyone else has he will then use all his cheap tricks to cause you problems just as he has done to everyone else that has gotten smart to his tactics.

Anonymous said...

In defence of Frank Sinatra, The Beetles and Elvis they could still sell out any arena around the world if they were around today.

Mike Davidson said...

They could fill buildings anywhere in the world as long as Marty Goldstein wasn't promoting them. He's the type of self-serving stooge that would book himself as the opening act.
"Do you want a Hollywood production or not?"

Add Nat King Cole to the list.

Anonymous said...

Davidson, you are a joke. No one likes you. Just from the way you react and handle situations is the reason that I will NEVER go see an AWE/WFX/ any other 3 lettered promotion that you are affiliated with. I gotta wonder how stupid the people are who give you money to do this.

P.S. - Danny and Madison don't really like you. LOL

Anonymous said...

Proof that Davidson does most of the anonymous posting: the same "BEETLES" spelling mistake in his post as the following anonymous post.


No way could there be 60 posts about this on this POS blog.

Anonymous said...

Mike did you see the Kerry Brown tribute website? Marty is pictured on there presenting a "cheque" to Kerry's Mom. He looks very proud of the effort and has a smug look on his face. I wonder what is in that envelope? Any ideas?