Thursday, November 27, 2008

Walked Through Hell

I knew I would be writing this blog today. I wrote a similar blog at the end of October talking about how I really hoped the changed of the calender month from October into November would bring welcomed change. I had been on a two month slide where my personal life was in chaos, my professional life was going through a critical change, my health was in question, and I was just overall unhappy. Some said I was depressed. My next blog will talk about my definition of depression.

Personally I saw challenges that defined who I was. When you are down, the measure of a man isn't who gets knocked down, mopes and cries about it, and does nothing to identify it, fix it, and get stronger from it, but the measure of a man is how you get back up, come back stronger, and more in touch with how to avoid falling back down. I really don't like getting back up, even if it's a source of pride, because it reminds me how easy it is to fall. Thanks to some really great people I keep in my life, the personal stuff, and trust me it was major, got better quickly, and 12 short weeks later I can honestly say everything is right back on track. I'm feeling great.

From a health standpoint, I had to visit a nuerologist recently and get a CT scan for a chronic migrane headache condition. Turns out that I have some continuing nagging effects from a few concussions I've had over the course of time. It's nothing too major, sometimes I have troubles focusing, or I lose what I tried to say mid-sentence, or I get a dibilitating head-ache. It's ok, I feel good. I also had a weird swelling in my stomach, that I was worried was a hurnia. After seeing the doctor, it's been x-rayed, and doesn't require any treatment at this time. A relief.

Professionally things are really starting to go strong. Danny Duggan and I are partners in a marketing company, and I've never been happier. Business is steadily going up for us, and we've found a great way to get the most out of our objectives.

There is so many people who surprised me how well they stood beside me, and never let me slip further. There were some people who actually poked fun at me for battling depression. I think that's a low blow, but I can smile and laugh about it now. Those are the same people who are perputually whiney about everything in life. Throughout it all, I believed things were going to improve, and they did. That's the power of believing. I just believed in myself with complete faith.


Anonymous said...

Glad Your better Mike...truly glad

Anonymous said...

I read your blogs to see what kind of shit you can stir up these last 2 have been bunk... i hope you can stir the pot next time...


Mike Davidson said...

While, to be honest after Rokaby, I kind of felt like Lee Harvey Oswald, "a patsy". So maybe that's good enough to stir things up.

Anonymous said...

stop begging for attention and kill yourself all ready fuck

Anonymous said...

u cant expect people to feel sorry for u now

Mike Davidson said...

I most certainly don't want people to feel sorry for me.

Anonymous said...

horse wants another shot at you

Anonymous said...

If you have been to hell mostly likely you will wind up there.

Mike Davidson said...

I'm sure horse wants a lot of things.

Anonymous said...

thanks for your input marty. the two-faced one who stirs things the most and then tries to act invisible. people see what you do... you and ernie are a lot alike in so many ways.