Monday, April 27, 2009

Anonymous Poster?

Hahahahaha. I've been laughing even more than usual the last couple of weeks. But especially at the amount of anonymous posts made on my blogs. Something you should know, disliking me has become the coolest thing in town right now. I'm playing the part of "heel" in a promoters war between myself, and a guy who is lucky to be referred to as a "promoter" Andrew Shallcross. He's lucky because he's actually lazy, and has made many comments that seem to suggest he doesn't believe it's his job to promote his product. Imagine you the reader opened a business, oh lets say a popcorn stand. You're going to sell 5 different varieties of popcorn. But lets say you are lazy, and only like buttering the popcorn. When on 3 customers come through your door and your business fails, will you be wise enough to reflect on the failure, and realize had you marketed and promoted your popcorn instead of buttering your popcorn, people maybe would have bought your popcorn? It's similar in the world of local wrestling, where if you don't promote your wrestlers and their matches, people tend not to buy your tickets. Instead of promoting his wrestlers he's too busy sitting at home and reading my blog.

And what does he do when he reads my blog? He posts as many anonymous comments as he can. How do I know this? Well one, I get notifications on my blackberry every time someone leaves a comment. And when I get 4 or 5 in the span of an hour or two, and then nothing in the next 15 hours, I can usually determine that one person is at their computer reading and commenting on my blog. It seems really unlikely that 4 or 5 haters all write something similar in the span of an hour and then nothing for the next day or so. Idiot, if you're going to post anonymously, do it a little bit more sporadically, and maybe you will throw me off a little. And the other part that might act as a tip to me that it's all very sad person, is this fact. Right now it's really cool to not like Mike Davidson. So if 19 people were going to post about what an asshole I was, at least 10 out of those 19 would have no problem leaving a) their real name and in some cases b) their e-mail address so people could send them a note to tell him how clever their post was.

In all of local there is one wrestler of Hispanic descent. His name is La Sombra. He's great for getting the word out to all of his Latin brothers to come to the shows. But in all of my days in local wrestling there has been very few Latin fans who care enough to leave comments on blogs. One guy, Jesus Ramirez, is either an idiot, or has someone with nearly the exact same name, Jesus Remerez. I think it's one guy posting who's an idiot personally. I doubt two guys with such a similar name care that much about my blog.

Andrew, I'm sorry you are a bonafide idiot. But please, spend some time doing something productive, oh I don't know... Promoting wrestling. Raking your lawn, then maybe cutting your grass. How about, figuring out how to get some more wrestlers on your show. Oh and maybe instead of buttering the popcorn, learn how to let all those popcorn lovers out there, and there are many, know about how you butter it.

Just a thought.


Anonymous said...

i love reading your stuff, for real.
it's always well written, and kinda funny.
but yet, it's great.

and to all the haters, WHY ARE YOU SPENDING TIME READING THIS IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT? like, seriously.
stupid, stupid people.

Unknown said...

people are obviously reading it cause they like the controversy

J said...

Will the real Jesus please stand up! *******STANDS********


So I was not in attendance because i have some very berry flight plans for the past few weeks but now i am back wanksters and gangsters!

I don't know if you have seen my blogger blogging spot micheal davidson but here is the link bucko!

Have a great night and everyone look forward to a new blog coming soooooooooon


Anonymous said...

Who cares about this crappy feud between an established local promotion and a promotion that.... well, is definitely not established. Once Davidson actually establishes a credible promotion, an interpromotional feud could be awesome, no doubt! But Davidson's promotions are not established. Yeah he brings in a lot of big names but I've never been to a Davidson show that's been "really good". They've been good times, but the overall quality of the show was piss poor, WCW Saturday Night stuff, where PCW shows are 90% of the time really damn good, regardless of the amount of wrestlers on the card and 100% a fuckin' awesome time!!! I don't even care for the big names as I'd rather watch Mike Angels and Adam Knight wrestle than see Billy Gunn anyday, ever. And I don't really understand all this "business" talk when Davidson goes out of business (seemingly) after every second (or first) show where PCW has been running for like 7 or 8 years. That's it.

Jonny Liew

Anonymous said...

I love you man.

Anonymous said...

You are AWEsome.

Anonymous said...

Can I work for you. I want to sell cars also.

Anonymous said...

Does air and tilt come standard ?

Anonymous said...

Does that car have side impact air bags?

Paul Franklen said...

When is the next AWE show. Nothing on the website as of yet.

Anonymous said...

Can you sell the popcorn with the pink stuff on it at the next AWE show? I love pink popcorn.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather eat popcorn that is buttered rather than lathered in Shane Madison, Ryan Wood and Billy Gunn's sex juices.


Anonymous said...

I love PCW and hate AWE.

Anonymous said...

I mean, I love AWE and hate PCW


Anonymous said...

I looked at Andrew's roster page. Out of 21 wrestlers listed, 1 is in FCW, 2 used to be refs, Kraven and Tatum are the same guy, Arnot, raver and mentalo are gone, Rawskills is retired and Angles ony wrestles once in a while. Pretty sad when you have to put a picture of a teddy bear on your roster page to fill it out.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sad when you're supposed to be a huge wrestling company bringing in names but can't get a fully functioning website. Nevermind an attractive looking one.

Anonymous said...

Who's buttering your popcorn lately Davidson? Madison or Danny? You and Danny seem to be getting along a little too well. Still wanna break his legs?

Anonymous said...

You should give me a call, maybe we can turn this blog into an angle.

Anonymous said...

The only reason I'm posting so many comments is because it actually makes you think that you're getting yourself over. It's giving you something to touch yourself to. Sheldon just isn't getting the job done lately I guess.

Anonymous said...

Mike davidson you are a fucking dickbag and I love it.

Jesus Ramerez

Anonymous said...

I kinda got a kick out of the 2 different spellings of Jesus Ramirez.


Mike Davidson said...

At my discretion, I posted the last comment about Andrew having a child, and a shot at Holly.

It's completely unfair to take shots at Holly at all. She's not in the business, and the only thing you could slight her for is being one hell of a supportive partner to Andrew.

So I did approve the comment, but I don't like comments being directed at Andrew's personal life. This includes anything not related to wrestling, such as jobs etc.

There is more than enough to hit him with in the business, his personal life can remain off limits.

Honest apologies to Holly.

Anonymous said...

Dickface Davidson, aren't you worried about how badly Andrew will kick the shit out of you when you crawl out of your mole hole?

Mike Davidson said...

LOL. I think there is a chance Andrew will take this matter up with me physically. But that would be like a lonely guy masterbating, sure it will feel great in the moment, but it won't solve the problem in the long-run.

Anonymous said...

Mike your the disease and Andrew is the cure. Fight him like a man or shut up already.

J said...

I guess if the only thing that shallcross is bad at is promoting and that is considered not nowing how to butter the popped corn. What does that say for davidson? Davidson knows how to get guys to wrestle foe him so he knows where the corn for the popped coen is located. He does not ha ve a clue in fucking hell how to book a show. Does that mean that he can't find the popped corn popper? So before you claim that shallcross can't butter the popped corn make sure you have th popper to pop the corn davidson.

I thought that was a bit clever!

I still thin the 2 of you are idiots fuck yeah brother

Jesus Ramerez

Anonymous said...

Post my comment Michael.

Anonymous said...

Mike loves masterbating to the chicks on grape vine when he is in his dads atick thinking about anal with mecca, duggan and maybe just maybe billy gun. Everyone knows that's why he brings him into town.

Anonymous said...

All these guys suck such mean dicks that they can't keep there mouths shut anymore

Anonymous said...

Go off yourself you fucking loser.

Anonymous said...

You have been a failure your whole life Michael.

You failed as a wrestler. You failed at Superstore. You failed as a promoter. You failed as a boyfriend. Most importantly you failed in life. Still living at home Michael?

Anonymous said...

I especially liked the comment that Danny left on your other website saying that you were embarassing the local wrestling buisness by adding underage girls to your profile. Which you deleted. fuck you, Mike.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should write a blog today on how stale 5 year old popcorn can be sold for 25 bucks when the fresh hot popcorn can be sold for 10 and get more customers than this old stale popcorn that's advertised on the radio. Perhaps return business?

You can only sell that same bag of popcorn to the same group of friends for so long until the food poisoning makes them realize that your trying to sell shit.

Not andrew Shallcross TM

Anonymous said...

Keep pressing your luck Michael.

Anonymous said...

You are a joke my friend.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hear CarMac is hiring. You are 30years old and make $10.00 an hour, still live with your daddy, don't know how to promote wrestling and have many a court date.
Your family must be proud of you.

Anonymous said...

Die Michael Die.

Anonymous said...

Listen piece of shit, we're getting alot of heat going back and forth on blogs, how about we put the shit aside and focus on making this work on our shows.

Instead of bringing in names that WONT draw for you, how about using the best talent in town, the PCW guys on your show. It could be better then the Invasion angle was on WWE years ago. When we work together Michael, we do our best work. It's about time we got on the same and put on the best shows again.

You need the PCW guys, and PCW needs you. Call me when you wanna do business.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering Mike?

Is it true that the police are going to pay you a visit soon?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mike when is the next show? SPW and PCW have shows May 20 and I heard yours is May 20. Do another blog on your upcoming show Mike. I want to be one of the handful of people that comes and put Derksen in the main event please. He is so dreamy.

Olga Yankovic