Monday, December 8, 2008

Depression: Sure I got it

Before I get too far started, I did my best to give a great online interview to Charlene about the pro wrestling business last night. For those of you who check out this blog on a regular basis, please feel free to divert your attention to A warning ahead of time, one or two morons post about a dozen anonymous comments regularly on this blog, and they will probably get started on this interview anytime. But to the people who read this blog and appreciate it for what it is, I know you see all too well right through those two lifeless losers.

Now, there is a popular rumour floating around local wrestling circles that yours truly is suffering from a severe depression, and might be at such a low point that I may just off myself. In fact, one of the guys who posts many comments anonymously and regularly, suggested that a bunch of guys get together and spring for a shrink for me as a Christmas gift. I thought, well isn't that a thoughtful gesture. Please do.

Truthfully, I have been depressed, and it felt major at times, and minor at others. But for the most part that isn't anything out of the ordinary for me. People who have worked closely with me for years, and people who have gotten to know me both inside and outside of the wrestling business will attest to the fact that they've often wondered if I was Manic, bi-polar or some other form of a chemical imbalance. I'm either the happiest, funniest and most pumped up guy in the office, or I'm the saddest, most irritable, and hard to please guy, and it can switch in the span of 10 minutes.

So what did I do when I felt like I was sinking at times. I went to a therapist, and talked openly about life. Sometimes we talked about why I don't like winter. Or how I hate being abandoned, or how much pressure work has been. Or why the news anchor dumped in 2000. We talked a lot about my family life, and professional life, and I just let it out. The great thing about therapy, is it allows you to figure out your own shit, and if you honestly want to get better, you find the strength to do so.

I've also leaned on some of the best friends anybody has ever had in this world, and boy have they been there for me. Everyone will always say they have the best set of friends in the world, but mine listened to me at all hours of the night, just to hear me say I'd be alright. I can understand how whispers started that I was at risk of being yet another young casualty in the wrestling business. But those were just friends who were worried about me.

Fact is, I've never been better. I'm working on a brand new entertainment project that is something I couldn't be more happy about. One of the tough questions that Charlene asked me about was when I would return to my promoting wrestling roots and run a show or two. Who knows, I don't know if that will add to my happiness or make my stress level unbearable. So I will leave that door wide open.

So don't worry about me today. I'm doing fine. I will check back in a month and confirm I'm just fine then. And again in 6 months. I still will be doing just fine.


IDV said...

At the risk of anonymous posters calling me a prostitute and shite, let me say, that's why you land on your feet all the time.

Good to hear you're doing so well.

CharleneLori said...

thanks for the plug Mike Davidson...

truly hope you feel better :)

Anonymous said...

Lots of warm squishy hugs to you, my friend..... Pam

Anonymous said...

Don't worry buddy! Just be sure to play it cool brah!


Anonymous said...

I will always be there for you Mike. Love ya.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should put all the posts on not just ones from the handful of friends you have that don't even know you or having you bi-polar depressed self answer them as well.

You broke the golden eggs that were given to you and you will continue to be a worthless, useless, poor excuse for a human being.


Mike Davidson said...

I post all comments! Good ones and bad ones. I actually like the bad ones just as much. Proves you're reading.

Mike Davidson said...

Thanks Mecca. I love you too, read my recent shoot interview to feel that love.
Maybe I need to start up and put you in the main to draw houses, lol.

Anonymous said...

Once a douche, always a douche. See you soon.


Anonymous said...

Hope your dark cloud stays away Mr. Davidson. .

Anonymous said...

Hey what ever happened with that Pandachuck guy???

Anonymous said...

I concer with Devine once a douche always a douche but a good friend none the less. ( Hope you call me real soon.)


Anonymous said...

Mike you should have been a cowboy! Should of learned to rope and ride!

Anonymous said...

time for a new blog mike