Friday, October 31, 2008

Bring on November

I find Halloween to be one of the most annoying days of the year. Well it's true I'm an uncle to a neice and nephew and for their sake I enjoy certain features of October 31, I hate running to the door every five or 10 minutes to give kids candy. It's cold, and it's useless. Sorry to be so honestly blunt, lol, but that's my true feeling. So October 31st is just the day before November 1st in my world.

And what is November 1st? Well if I have anything to say about it, November 1st will be a turning of the page. The last two months were Gawd awful, September and October were stressful, depressing and useless. So rather than feel too sorry for myself, I decided its time to set a date on the calender, and live to it 100% and make an assertive change for the better. That day was November 1st.

So what will November 1st bring? Well a better commitment to my friends at Impact Fitness. I'd like to be in there at least 3 maybe 4 times per week. And considering I don't workout on weekends that will tell you how focused I will have to be to balance that schedule. I'd like a better effort to limiting my soft drink in-take, I recently kicked my addiction to Xenergy energy drinks, and now have to kick Coca-Cola out of my diet as well. I've already increased my water in-take to about a litre a day. (side note, my five year old kindergarten aged nephew just rang the door bell, highlight of the day, he was Indiana Jones, and cute as hell)... Now the commitment to diet and better rest, maybe a little less socializing until all hours of the night and I should be all set.

My professional objectives have changed as well. I'm a little less distracted by what's happening in local wrestling, and a little more focused on a new venture that I've thrown myself into. That isn't to say I've decided to end my promoting career, because honestly I haven't. When the time is right and the opportunity is interesting enough I will most definitely do it all over again. People will remember I said that in 2006 after AWE's hiatus, and I committed to LaZboy Furniture Gallaries that I wouldn't rule out returning to promote wrestling. And in 2007 and into 2008, I was instrumental in starting Wrestling Fan Xperience a concept I was proud of, and as a result many in Winnipeg were treated to Jerry "The King" Lawler and Sunny. So here I say it again, I'm not retired, and when the time is right I will do something again in the wrestling business. In the meantime, check out PCW referee Jay Walker, who for halloween decided to pay tribute to me by dressing up as yours truly. In my opinion this guy could pass as a baby brother for Big O, minus a whole lot of talent. At least he's striving to be like the best, lol.

Whatelse can I say? Well that's about it.


Anonymous said...

i would to say

i would have sex with Mike Davidson any day of the week!

Mike Davidson said...

Not sure what in my blog prompted that reaction.